Overview Units
SIR40316 CERTIFICATE IV IN RETAIL MANAGEMENT The qualification reflects the role of individuals who lead a frontline team and manage day-to-day operations of a retail store or department to implement and deliver on organisational objectives and standards. These individuals possess a range of highly developed selling and customer engagement skills with sound knowledge of product and service offerings. They work with independence, taking responsibility for their own functions and outputs. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS To undertake this qualification, individuals must: have achieved a Certificate III in Retail, OR have relevant industry employment experience in a job role that has involved the application of skills and knowledge described in core units of competency from the SIR30216 Certificate III in Retail. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Job roles and titles vary across different industry sectors. Possible job titles relevant to this qualification include: -department manager -customer service manager -small business retail owner -merchandise manager -shift manager COURSE STRUCTURE To achieve a Certificate IV in Retail Management, 11 units must be completed, including 7 core and 4 electives. A minimum of 2 electives must be selected from the list below and a maximum of 2 additional units can be selected from the list below or any relevant training package. Time : Self-peace Study : 36 Week + 180 Hours Work-placement Training delivery: Self- Paced & Zoom Support & Work-Placement NATIONALLY ACCREDITED QUALIFICATION INDUSRTY EXPERIENCED TRAINERS Fee : $3500 ( Fee For Services )
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