Leaving no room for error
Following a termination checklist is the easiest way to ensure all processes are followed and handovers completed when an employee leaves your business. Ensure that your termination checklist is comprehensive and complete for ease of mind that the right steps are always taken.
VHD can assist you in creating the best checklist for your business. What should be included will depend on your business. In general, you should discuss issues including terminating payroll and superannuation contributions, notice periods and garden leave, handovers, termination documents, and exit interviews.
Exit interviews
Good employees leaving may hurt your company, especially if turnover has been high. That is why it’s crucial to understand why employees decide to leave. Holding an exit interview will give you the chance to make adjustments that could ultimately save you time, effort, and money. You can acquire truthful responses by consulting an objective outsider. VHD can prepare interview questions, conduct the interviews over the phone or in person, and offer actionable recommendations to take.
Providing references
When employees move on from your business, it is common practice for them to ask you for a reference for their new employer. Depending on your experiences with the employee you may be wondering what you should or should not include in a reference. Or if you need to provide one at all. Your privacy obligations make it important to handle references correctly. We’ll run through the process with you and explain your options.
It's standard procedure for departing employees to ask you to serve as a reference for their new employment. As an employer you have a privacy obligation to handle references properly. If you are unsure what to put in a reference based on your interactions with the employee, VHD can walk you through the steps and go over your options.